Cosmic universe

Creative Sparks

The whole universe is our being. We are just flowers of different colors giving a beautiful variety to existence. – Osho

This painting is inspired from Osho’s thoughts on creativity. A great read for exploring new avenues of thoughts and imaginations and letting yourself free.

In my own world

Sometimes I am totally lost in my own world!


It’s fun to loosen yourself from the grips of everyday routines and mundane chores and explore new Utopian places.. even for few minutes:) before juniors jumps on you asking “mom, what should we do?”



Missing Home

Every summer I spend half a month in my hometown. The lockdown has made me miss my trip this year. The beautiful garden at home is blooming with tiger lilies right now! These red beauties bloom only for a few days in this month. So..made a fluid artwork inspired by them.


My all time favourite word


If at any point in my life I get a tattoo then this will be it! The word has got stuck in my brain over a decade now. Self learning calligraphy few days a year..long way to go.

You and me

We are like yin-yang, so different from each other (i am the black one)..but there are things we both like, enjoying nature and our random conversations while sipping a nice cuppa lemongrass chai!